Acupressure :- Acupressure is a science of life particular organ in the body is stimulated by pressure massage at certain area any where in the body as different switches are connected to various organs of the body.

Yoga :- Yoga aims at relief from suffering from physical and mental stress. c) Scientific Massage :- Tones up the nerves system it influences respiration and quickens the elimination of waste materials from the body. It also boosts the blood circulation with metabolic processes.

Naturopathy :- Naturopathy is a science of disease elimination with nature cue like air, water, earth, sunlight & natural diet are used in our life. Nature is the most powerful physician of body and mind.
If yes please contact to Dr. Shri Prakash Baranwal By WhatsApps No-9934969232
Mobile :- 09934969232 Email Id :- drbarnwal1@gmail.com